Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Here it is: the promised update.

It's been a very weird week. Someone I care about a lot expressed concerns/complaints about me in an extremely hurtful way last week, and I haven't been able to shake it off since. I would love to write off the entire conversation as mean-spirited and unnecessary, but many of the things that were said are areas I really do need to work on, in spite of the fact that I was deeply wounded by the way they were brought up. So now I'm stuck trying to simultaneously forget about it and learn from it--not easy to do.

The strangest part is that on the surface, everything has returned to normal. There's laughter, fun, normal daily routines...I'm just a little depressed underneath it all, and small bumps in the road keep turning into major catastrophes in my head.

I don't want to be melodramatic, and I hope I'm not doing that. The honest truth, though, is that I'm struggling. I know things will get better soon. I know it's going to be fine eventually. But it's not fine now, and that's just how it is. I'm trying to learn to be present in the moment and not force myself to heal too fast, but also cope with my daily life effectively. I have to go to work; I have to pay the bills; I have to wash the dishes...breathe in, breathe out.

That's life right now. Taking breaths, going through the motions, coping the best that I can.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.


  1. Delynn, I love you so much. I love your heart and your hair and your consistency. I love the way our lives have changed. I wish I had the perfect thing to say to you right now. But instead of saying the perfect thing, I will just say that I am praying for you.

  2. Thank you. I love you much!

  3. You are not responsible for anything in this moment except for breathing in and out. You are not being melodramatic. Some things are actually hard.
